ࡱ> jlig bjbjVV 7tr<r<BBBBBVVVV44V:$PB"BB9FBBa;:_"0B{ : NEIU Oral Communication Rubric* (updated: 11/10/06)  Quality CriteriaNo/Limited ProficiencySome ProficiencyProficiencyHigh ProficiencyCONTENT (condensed)Accurate explanation of key concepts/ theoriesAccuracyErrors and/or contradictions are apparent and serious enough to make it almost impossible to determine what info is reliable.Enough errors to distract knowledgeable listener. Some accurate information. Presentation is useful if listener can determine what information is reliable.No significant errors are made. Listeners recognize any errors to be the result of nervousness or oversight.Information used in the presentation is consistently accurate. Includes thorough application of theoryDepthExplanations of concepts/theories are incomplete. Theoretical explanations are largely missing. Listeners gain no insights.Explanations of concepts/theories are incomplete. Little attempt is made to tie theory to practice. Listeners gain little.For the most part, explanations of concepts/theories are complete. Some helpful applications are included. Listeners gain some insights.Complete explanation of key concepts/theories. Applications of theory are included. Listeners gain insights.Insightful/interesting to the listenerSTRUCTURE(condensed)Introduction Purpose/ Thesis/IntentDoes not communicate a clear and identifiable thesis/specific purpose, and lacks summary of main ideas.Either a clear thesis/purpose or a summary of main ideas is missing.Within the opening few sentences of the speech, the speaker identifies the specific purpose/thesis of the speech. Speaker summarizes main ideas at the end.There is continuity between a precisely communicated thesis/purpose at the beginning and the summary of main ideas at the end.Conclusion Body OrganizationListener is largely unable to follow presentation. Points made lack development and logical organization. No transitions.Listener can follow presentation with effort. Some unclear arguments. Organization is haphazard and transitions may be lacking.Presentation is generally clear. Ideas are developed and organized. Transitions are present.Presentation is clear, logical, and well-organized. Transitions enhance line of reasoning.Supporting MaterialPresentation Aids Presentation AidsNo communication aids are used, or are used in such a way that they hinder rather than help the presentation (e.g. no apparent relationship between presentation and visuals) Communication aids are poorly prepared or used inappropriately. Font is too small and too much information and unimportant material are highlighted.Communication aids contribute to quality of presentation. Appropriate font size and information is included. Some material is not supported by visual aids.Communication aids enhance presentation. Font is appropriate, information is organized so that audience understands. Aids focus on main points, not details.DELIVERY(condensed)Effective nonverbal communicationNonverbalsKinesic (posture, gesture, facial expressions, eye contact) and proxemic (interpersonal distance and spatial arrangement) behaviors and dress detract from the verbal message.Body language reflects some discomfort AND/OR detachment from the audience. Body language reflects no or little discomfort or detachment, and at times enhances the verbal message.No detachment visible in body language. Body language enhances the verbal message throughout the presentation. Personal appearancePronunciationLanguage UseFrequent errors in pronunciation, enunciation, articulation, and grammar make it difficult for the audience to understand the message, AND/OR biases are obvious in the presentation.Occasional errors in pronunciation, enunciation, etc. make it difficult for the audience to understand the message. Minor biases included in the presentation.Errors are rare and do not affect comprehension and understanding of the message. Presentation is free from (sexist, racist, etc.) bias.Good pronunciation, enunciation, and articulation enhance the message. No grammatical errors. Presentation is free from (sexist, racist, etc.) bias.EnunciationArticulationGrammaticalityBias-freeFluent speech & vocal varietyFluencyLacks vocal variety (pace, volume, pitch, etc.) and fails to speak in a conversational style (e.g. just reads from a paper). Poor execution of vocal variety AND/OR fails to speak in a conversational style.Vocalics are generally well-paced and varied to enhance the message. Adheres mostly to a conversational style. Vocalics are well-paced and varied to enhance the message consistently throughout the presentation. Dynamic conversational style. Free from vocal fillersPolished, yet conversational style* Based on rubrics from Susan Colon and Nanette Potee (NEIU), the Dept. of Ed. Leadership & Policy Studies at Iowa State, and the National Communication Association  /3456PZ N h j Źsc_cs_sPs_sAsAsheh/CJOJQJaJheh'CJOJQJaJh9heh95CJOJQJaJheh9CJOJQJaJheh`aCJOJQJaJ0jheh9CJOJQJUaJmHnHuh;$Ifgd{ l UfgZ^ko{|ĵĵӱӱӢӢӢӓӓӄӱtӱeheh,BCJOJQJaJheh95CJOJQJaJhehCJOJQJaJheh*CJOJQJaJheh'CJOJQJaJh9hehJb%CJOJQJaJhehgCJOJQJaJheh9CJOJQJaJheh-PCJOJQJaJheh/CJOJQJaJ%kd $$Ifl4ֈ ".8f`` `@ `@ ` t044 lap<yte   $Ifgd{ l kd $$Ifl4ֈ ".8f   @ @  t044 lap<yte#$%7|$Ifgd{ l kd$$Iflֈ ".8f @ @  t044 lap<ytee$Ifgdll Ff$Ifgd{ l de  ,Hrbceĵ⦢qbqbbSSbSbheh'CJOJQJaJhehdCJOJQJaJheh;CJOJQJaJheh,BCJOJQJaJh/heh/CJOJQJaJh9hehVCJOJQJaJheh5%CJOJQJaJheh-PCJOJQJaJhehCJOJQJaJheh9CJOJQJaJhehlCJOJQJaJ kd$$Ifl4ֈ ".8f`` `@ `@ ` t044 lap<yte$Ifgd{ l kd$$Ifl4ֈ ".8f   @ @  t044 lap<yte 8cK$Ifgd{ l $IfgdU l 8IJKZ5Oopq0123JVluuqh9heh4 <CJOJQJaJheh;CJOJQJaJheh'CJOJQJaJhehfCJOJQJaJheh-PCJOJQJaJheh9CJOJQJaJh/hehdCJOJQJaJheh/CJOJQJaJheh,BCJOJQJaJ*kd$$Ifl4ֈ ".8f`` `@ `@ ` t044 lap<yte$Ifgd{ l kd$$Ifl4ֈ ".8f   @ @  t044 lap<yte$Ifgd{ l kd$$Ifl4ֈ ".8f   @ @  t044 lap<yte$Ifgd{ l kd$$Ifl4ֈ ".8f   @ @  t044 lap<yte$Ifgd{ l kd$$Ifl4ֈ ".8f   @ @  t044 lap<yteq23$Ifgd{ l kd$$Ifl4ֈ ".8f`` `@ `@ ` t044 lap<yte$Ifgd{ l heh{ CJOJQJaJhehiBCJOJQJaJh9heh9CJOJQJaJheh9CJOJQJaJkd$$Ifl4ֈ ".8f   @ @  t044 lap<yte$Ifgd{ l kd$$Ifl4ֈ ".8f   @ @  t044 lap<yte51h0:pe= /!"#$% $$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l t05f55 5@ 5 / p<yte5$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l  t<05f55 5@ 5 p<ytekd$$Iflֈ ".8f @ @   t<044 lap<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l t05f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 / p<yte5$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l  t<05f55 5@ 5 p<ytekdF$$Iflֈ ".8f @ @   t<044 lap<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l t05f55 5@ 5 p<yte5$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l  t<05f55 5@ 5 p<ytekd$$Iflֈ ".8f @ @   t<044 lap<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte$$If!vh#vf#v#v #v@ #v :V l4 t0+++++5f55 5@ 5 p<yte^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List j@j { Table Grid7:V0PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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